
Copy Center now operated by Canon

MCCC privatized its Copy Center this summer, and the facility is now being run by Canon Business Solutions of America.
The Copy Center was privatized as a cost savings measure, and a way to increase efficiency, according to Joe Verkennes, the director of marketing for MCCC.      
The college looked at privatizing after the Copy Center Coordinator, Mark Spenoso, gave notice in late April that he would be retiring.
The budget was being prepared at the time, and privatization gave the college an opportunity to save money.
“Overall, the cost savings was about forty thousand dollars, which was a significant amount of money for the college,”  Verkennes said.
 MCCC did research before receiving three bids, and eventually chose Canon Solutions, Verkennes said.
Lezlee Downing, the new Copy Center coordinator, said the initial reaction to the privatization was mixed.
“People thought things were going to change,” she explained. “But we’re doing everything we did before, if not better.” 
The privatization with Canon meant the college had the opportunity to lease a new copier, Downing said. This copier is more efficient and environmentally friendly than the previous machine, and produces better quality images.
 “It’s the best gray-scale copier available,” she said.
She is also looking to implement web submissions of print jobs in the next year. Instead of a required visit to the copy center to fill out a form, staff members will be able to upload PDF files and fill out the form online.
“People were wanting to do online submission,” Downing said. 
Downing was formerly the student assistant in the Copy Center for two-and-a-half years, so she is familiar with both the copy center and the people at MCCC.
She was hired by Canon to be the facility manager of the Monroe division after her graduation from Siena Heights in May, where she got a bachelor’s degree in professional communications and a minor in graphic design.
She had previously received two associate’s degrees from MCCC. 
“I love the people I work with. This is a great environment,” she said.