**** export date: 2013-04-29 20:07:39
**** timeline title: MCCC President Search
**** description:
The search for a new college president is on! Updates will be added accordingly.
**** initial focus: 2013-3-18 23:43:00
**** initial zoom: 25
**** using size/importance? 1
startdate, enddate, title, description, importance, link, icon, image, date_display, low threshold, high threshold, y_position
“2012-10-01 14:28:002012-10-01 14:28:00″Nixon announces resignation”
President David Nixon announces his resignation in the Fall of 2012
“2013-02-18 22:30:00″2013-02-18 22:30:00″Board considers ACCT in search”
MCCC Board of Trustees held a special meeting in February which began the search for a new president. The board decided to accept an offer from an executive search firm called ACCT (Association of Community College Trustees) to do a two- hour video conference.
“59”[{“”url“”:””http://www.mcccagora.com/campus/meeting-will-launch-search-for-president-1.2983254#.UV2PrJPqmKI”””label””:””link””}]”shapes/triangle_gray.png” “da“1”100″0″”
“2013-02-18 23:00:00″2013-02-18 23:00:00″First president search meeting launches “
The MCCC Board of Trustees called a special meeting Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. to begin the process of choosing a new president
“2013-02-25 22:30:00″2013-02-25 22:30:00″Board decides to hire ACCT”
Board makes a final decision to hire an outside consultant (Association of Community College Trustees) to help in the search process. They also agree to pay the firm a total of $30,000.
“2013-03-05 23:30:00″2013-03-05 23:30:00″Initial edits are made to the president’s qualifications”
The Board meets and decides that it is ‘preferred’ the future president should have a terminal degree and experience teaching in a classroom.
At issue, was whether the two qualifications should be raised to ‘preferred’ or ‘highly preferred’.
“51”[{“”url””:””http://www.mcccagora.com/campus/board-looks-at-minimum-qualifications-for-next-president-1.3005570″””label””:””link””}]”shapes/triangle_gray.png” “da”1″100″0″”
“2013-03-18 23:30:00″2013-03-18 23:30:00″ Second-time changes are made to presidential qualifications”
The Board of Trustees meet and further changes were made to the president’s education and teaching qualifications. The Board raised the requirement bar, and the president’s terminal (doctoral) degree and teaching experience should now be ‘highly preferred.’
“39”[{“”url””:””http://www.mcccagora.com/campus/mccc-ups-ante-to-highly-preferred-for-presidential-qualifications-1.3014743″””label””:””link””}]”shapes/triangle_gray.png” “da”1″100″0″”
“2013-04-17 22:00:00″2013-04-17 22:00:00″Presidential candidate list narrows to 8 semi-finalists”
John Steinecke of ACCT announces in the 10-minute meeting that eight semi-finalist candidates have been chosen.
“71”[{“”url””:””http://www.mcccagora.com/campus/presidential-candidate-list-narrowed-to-8-semifinalists-1.3030052″””label””:””link””}]”shapes/triangle_gray.png” “da”1″100″0″”
“2013-04-22 22:00:00″2013-04-22 22:00:00″8 semi-finalists named in search”
The Presidential Search Advistory Committee (PSAC) has announced the 8 semi-finalists in the regular Board of Trustees meeting.
“84”[{“”url””:””http://www.mcccagora.com/campus/semi-finalists-for-mccc-president-named-1.3034132″””label””:””link””}]”shapes/triangle_gray.png” “da”1″100″0″”