MCCC’s student government held a Welcome Back event Oct. 22 for all students in the lobby of the Whitman Center.
The event, catered by Kosch catering, offered students subs, sodas, chips, and cookies.
“A welcome back event was already held at the main campus. We would have been at the Whitman campus sooner, but student government was in the process of electing new officers,” explained Tom Ryder- MCCC’s Student Activities Coordinator.
The representatives from the student government on campus included Corey Welsch, Marissa Sancrainte, and Amber Virley, the Whitman Center Representative.
The event included more than just free food for students.
“We’re accepting donations for breast cancer today also,” stated Sancrainte.
Students had a very positive feedback to the Welcome Back event.
“I like this. It feels like I’m becoming more a part of the overall ‘college experience,'” said freshman Sam Danko.
The question of the day seemed to be, “Why aren’t there more events from student government at the Whitman Center?”
“The budget really dictates what we can and can’t do,” Ryder replied.
“Limited space also plays a factor when trying to plan events at the Whitman Center. When the weather is nice, I’d like to see events set up outside the Whitman Center next year.”
Students attending the Whitman Center seemed to favor this idea.
“I’d love to see more events on this campus. It would give students more time to socialize with each other and branch out,” freshman Zacharis Hardison said.