Back in the day, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, ancients spoke of a road that circumnavigated the campus.
Legend held that one could travel from the Health Building parking area to the Cafeteria without setting foot on Raisonville Road.
Of course, those days are long gone, with the construction of the new Career Tech Center under way.
Like the legendary Via Appia, part of the college road still exists, but now traveling east you dead-end into the CTC construction area.
Jim Blumberg MCCC Physical Plant director said the road around campus won’t be available for awhile.
“The road will reopen when the CTC building project is complete. That will be one of the final pieces of the construction puzzle,” he said.
Sue Wetzel, MCCC vice president of Administration, reported on construction progress during the Sept. 10 meeting of the Foundation at Monroe County Communiy College.
“The building project is on time, on schedule, and on budget,” she said.
“We can’t wait to get in there and do our walk-through in December when the building’s entire exterior is complete,” she added.
Joshua Myers, MCCC coordinator of development and external affairs, reported to the Foundation board on the status of the fund-raising campaign for the building.
“A new donor has pledged a $75,000 grant for the construction of the CTC,” he said.
He added that the formal announcement would be made by the company in December.
In the general discussion portion of the meeting, Foundation board member Herb Smith pointed out that due to the close identification of Bedford and the south county area with Toledo, more would need to be done to reassure the area of college’s commitment to the Whittman Center campus.
“There are no plans to close the Whittman Center campus location,” President David Nixon said.
Wetzel pointed out “while a direct mail campaign had been discussed, there was little wisdom in spending lots of money to explain we’re just trying to save a little money over the summer.”