Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have been around for centuries, and they’ve been followed around by bullying, hate crimes and discrimination.
Much of the bullying is done at the high school and college levels. Many bullies pick their prey simply because they are different and seem to come off as “gay,” but really there is no need for the bullying.
Bullying those who are in the LGBT community may not always end with something small, like a bruise. It could end up deadly, land people in jail, and seriously hurt the victim.
Many in the LGBT community are disgusted by all the bullying. Most have gone the way of making their stories heard, to make it known that bullying is not welcomed. They are not always alone. They have their family and allies to help them.
Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) have been starting at high schools and universities since 1988. The first was at the Concord Academy in Concord, Mass.
The goal of most Gay-Straight Alliances is to help make it easier for students in the LGBT community to be in school and to be safe. By 2008, over 4,000 Gay-Straight Alliances have been registered with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Many work with the local chapters of GLSEN, or a state-based organization, GSA Network.
Gay-Straight Alliances are open to those in the LGBT community and their allies. Those who partparticipate in a GSA help other students to deal with sexual orientation, bullying, and finding ways to make schools better.
MCCC’s Gay-Straight Alliance was formed during the 2010-2011 school year. To find out more, contact one of the advisers: Penny Bodell, pbodell@monroeccc.edu; Amanda Bennett, albennett@monroeccc.edu; or Chris Bulin,