
Advice on being a military girlfriend

Many women have been dealing with husbands, sons, and boyfriends leaving them to join the military.

My boyfriend recently left for the Marine Corps. It is a lot harder to deal with than many people think. I am going to give some advice on how to survive a significant other leaving for the military.

The best thing to do is to stay busy. If you stay busy, the time will go by faster and you won’t be thinking about how much you miss him all the time.

Write as many letters as you can. Even though he is not there with you, when you write letters it feels like you are talking to him.

Although the letters are for him, it helps you because it feels like you are still communicating with him. He will really enjoy receiving the letters, too.

It can help to talk with other people who are in the same situation. There are chat rooms that consist of people in the same situation as you.

Many of the people you will encounter in your daily life will not know what you are going through, so being able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing really helps.

Keeping a calendar is helpful as well. I have a countdown on my calendar until he comes home, so I can cross off each day. This helps because it makes me feel like I am working toward being able to see him and it’s nice to see the days get crossed off.

Try not to be selfish and stay positive. I know it’s hard not to blame him for leaving you and not being able to talk to him, but you have to remember that he is doing this for our country. He is doing this for every American, not just you.

He is becoming a respectful and proud man because of this, so if you look at the big picture, it won’t make you mad at him but proud of him. This will help you stay positive.

Don’t think of the worst and try not to mope around about it. Keep busy and write letters and the time will go by fast