I am a nontraditional student at Monroe County Community College (MCCC). One of the reasons I began my education after a 36-year hiatus was so my grandchildren, who I am raising, would realize how important a great education is.
I am a widow, living on SSD and sporadic child support, but because of the fine personnel at MCCC I have been able to procure a Pell Grant and therefore able to afford attending MCCC. Even with the Pell Grant I do not think I would be able to swing tuition and the cost of books at a four year university. Therefore, like so many others in the community, MCCC is important to us and to our futures.
For this reason I am thrilled that we have such a wonderful college so close to my home, which is in Newport. I am proud to be a student at MCCC and that is not the attitude I remember from years before with community colleges.
There is only one thing that makes MCCC a step above the community colleges of yesteryear and that is the quality of the superb faculty. This is my third semester attending and I have already registered for the Winter Semester. In registering for classes I both need or want, it was more difficult this time because of the amount of “Staff” listings.
The Adjuncts that I have had here have been fine professors, but it does make it more difficult to meet with them if there is a problem, seeing as they house no office. When there is a professor who is actually employed at MCCC it makes it easier to get the help one may need. Being of advanced age I could have had a hard time starting back to college, but with the open door policy all of my esteemed professors have held, it has made my transition smooth.
Now I would like to say a few words about the quality of the education I feel I am getting at MCCC. The work is hard and sometimes grueling, but it is exciting to be in the middle of all this passion.
I would say the faculty at MCCC goes beyond the love of their field and straight to passionate about the subject they are teaching. Because of this I am zealous about the learning. When I go into a classroom I see a professor who has spent hours on their lesson plans. I see an instructor who strives to impart knowledge to many different types of students, some more interested than others. Yet still they continue to find fresh and exciting avenues in which to teach.
I feel that MCCC has already lost more superb faculty than can be afforded, and the Board needs to do what it can to keep from losing any more of their precious assets. I started college at MCCC for different reasons, but I stay for mainly one. That reason is for the knowledge I am gleaning from these remarkable professors. Let us all remember their worth and treat them with the same respect and honesty which they have treated their students.
Thank you for listening to my plea.