Every summer, a movie ticket becomes a key to a vessel that takes us from everyday mediocrity to witness otherworldly adventures, impossible feats and characters who delve into the deepest of meanings.
Movies have a certain magic to them that allow the masses to leave their lives for a few hours and live where the impossible truly is possible. This summer, five movies provided escapism at its best.
Viewers get to see a young James T. Kirk, played excellently by Chris Pine, and Spock, played by Heroes star Zachary Quinto, as they step aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise for the first time to traverse the unknowns of space.
Don’t worry, this one isn’t just for the trekkies. The movie combines special effects and a cleverly written story so that even the biggest Trek haters can acknowledge its quality. It’s easily the best reboot of a franchise in years.
Pixar’s newest adventure lives up to the studio’s excellent reputation for crafting amazing movies.
The story follows a flying house on its way to South America, powered by nothing more than multi-colored balloons. It’s piloted by Carl, an ornery old man. He is joined by a Boy Scout adamant on helping the elderly, a nine-foot tall bird, and Dug, a dog that talks through a speaker positioned on his collar.
Combining a heartfelt story, hilarious characters, top-notch voice acting and wonderful animation, Up easily ascends to Pixar’s best.
Harry Potter is attending his sixth year at Hogwarts, and for the sixth time, so are we.
Half-Blood Prince does such an amazing job of bringing the Potter world to life. You will feel like a Hogwarts student who’s along for the ride. Following the characters we have loved for a decade, Harry, Ron and Hermione must work together to make it through a hectic sixth year while trying to uncover the identity of the Half-Blood Prince.
Director David Yates, who also helmed the previous installation, expertly crafts a balance of magic, humor and suspense that will truly make you feel immersed.
Having a budget of only $30 million, debut director Neil Blomkamp and producer Peter Jackson (director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy) gave cinema patrons some of the best action, drama and special effects this summer.
With documentary style storytelling and eerily believable digital characters, the story transports viewers in an alternate present day. Aliens coexist with the citizens of Johannesburg, South Africa where they suffer through strict segregation, racism and humiliation.
We follow Wikus Van De Merwe, a quirky pencil-pusher played by Sharlto Copley, as he accidentally infects himself with an unknown alien disease. This allows him to use the DNA specific weaponry belonging to the alien race. He is then most valuable man on the planet.
Blomkamp and Jackson prove movies no longer need bloated budgets and famous faces to make an amazing film. The bottom line is: see this movie
Writer and director Quentin Tarantino, known most for Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, brings his unique film style and witty conversational dialogue to World War II.
Set in Nazi occupied France in the 1940’s, we follow the story of the “Basterds.” They are a group of Jewish-American soldiers behind enemy lines on a mission to spread fear throughout the ranks of German soldiers.
Tarantino provides, yet again, a cast of amazing talent. Lieutenant Aldo Raine, portrayed by Brad Pitt, leads the Basterds as they torture and murder Nazis. Pitt provides a refreshingly new entry to Tarantino’s long list of interesting characters.
Combining just the right amount of violence, drama, dialogue and quotable characters, Tarantino proves he is one amazing filmmaker.