
Penny Dorcey-Naber wins employee award

Administrative assistant Penny Dorcey-Naber has received MCCC’s Enriching Lives Performance Award for September/October.

Dorcey-Naber is the assistant to Vinnie Maltese, the acting dean of the Humanities/Social Sciences Division. Maltese also is dean of the Science/Math Division.

The Enriching Lives Performance Award is awarded to faculty members who exemplify one of MCCC’s brand values: investment, community, accessibility, responsiveness and enrichment.

Anyone can nominate a college employee for the award.

In announcing the award, Molly McCutchan, the director of Human Resources, quoted the person who nominated Dorcey-Naber.

“Penny does so many tasks above and beyond the duties for our division,” the nominator said. 

“Since Vinnie Maltese became our “shared” dean I have observed Penny taking on more of the load; such as fielding requests from students and adjunct faculty who come to the office when Vinnie is in his ‘other’ office.” 

The nominator added that Penny goes out of her way to help whenever needed.

“I was out of the country when I got the call that a student came to take the exam I forgot to drop off. Of course, I called Penny. Penny dropped what she was doing, got the exam out of my office, made copies and took them to the RCTC.”

Dorcey’Naber’s willingness to help whenever a faculty member has an emergency also was mentioned.

“There have been other times when a faculty member was ill, or needed a substitute, or a test proctor and Penny interrupts the flow of her work to handle it in a timely fashion. In other words, our ‘emergencies’ often become hers. When handling these interruptions Penny does so with grace and patience.”