As the library’s facilities are being upgraded to further aid students’ success, the library director position has been broadened and renamed to the Director of Student Success.

The director position is new to MCCC, but the idea was considered by administration in the past, said Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success Scott Behrens.
Creating the position was a collaborative effort directed by Behrens after the library moved from Academics to Behrens’ department on July 1.
Moving the library to Enrollment Management and Student Success puts the library in closer contact with areas under Student Success, said Temporary Public Service/Reference Librarian David Peck.
The department change created a need for a position to manage the library’s involvement in areas of student success.
“Those two words encapsulate everything we stand for here at Monroe County Community College: student success,” said MCCC President Kojo Quartey.
A new Director of Student Success will be hired under Student Services Administration, and Behrens will be their supervisor, according to the position’s job listing.
Former Library Director Laura Manley will remain a librarian, Behrens said.
“The Director of Student Success is responsible for overseeing all aspects of student success and student/campus engagement including the library, academic support services, testing, grant funded success initiatives and student government organizations,” the job listing reads.
This includes overseeing the Student Success Center and success coaches.
A committee is in the process of hiring the new director.
“I’m looking for someone who has the educational background to be able to interact effectively with individuals from all walks of life,” Quartey said.
Ideally, this person would have experience connecting with and encouraging students, Quartey said. He wants to ensure the new hire will be able to direct students toward appropriate resources, like disability services and library materials.
“I’m excited that we’re committed to getting a super candidate to fill the Director of Student Success position and look forward to working with them,” Peck said.
Bringing the library under directive focus for student success has proven to be beneficial.
“There’s a lot of research that shows when we bring these two entities together under one form of leadership, that you break down a lot of silos and you get a lot more innovative, collaborative kind of thinking, which is what we’re going to be going for,” Behrens said.
Areas for collaboration and innovative thinking are also being created inside the library. Behrens said the new design includes upgraded technology and spots similar to the study areas in Founders Hall where students can study, gather and work in groups.
“We’re really redesigning the library to be a state-of-the-art library and place for students to focus on student success,” Behrens said.
Manley was key in shaping things with the redesign, Peck said. Her guidance with the library’s team helped lead the vision for the new space.
“We’re really excited about moving into our state-of-the-art facilities when they’re ready and appreciate your continued support on things while changes are underway,” Peck said.
While the library is transitioning to the new center, their services are still available in Founders Hall and online.